On March 15 & 16, 2024, our Healing Bells team performed

Ni une más (Not one more).

The audience immersed themselves in a music, theatre, and dance production as survivors 

collaborated with artists to transform trauma into healing power via the arts.

A trailblazing world premiere production, Ni une más features artists and survivors who braid music, theatre, dance and poetry to tell their stories of growing agency. From the tender “Te recuerdo” (I remember you) to the rumbling subway sounds of “Metro Asfixia;” from the ironic rap, “This Doesn't Happen at Michigan,” to the foot-stomping chorus, “It’s Not My Fault,” this audience-engaging production is both mesmerizing and memorable. 

Our award-winning production team of artistic director & composer Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra, award-winning  journalists Ana Ávila and María Arce, and athlete Tad DeLuca partnered with survivors to create all new material for Ni une más.

As gender-based, domestic, & sexual violence is a local and global health crisis, we move this often-silenced topic to the spotlight to transform trauma into healing power through the arts.

This event was made possible via funding from the University of Michigan's Arts Initiative, SMTD RCI grant, ODEI, IRWG. CEW+ Frances & Sydney Lewis Visiting Leaders Fund, Communications & Media, SAPAC, Sociology; Avalon Healing Center (Detroit); Bethlehem United Church of Christ; and private donations in memory of Father Lew Towler, and by Dr. Jill Schneiderhan.



At Healing Bells, our journalists and artists collaborate to tell underreported stories of social injustices via music, dance, art, and film. Our projects center on the tenacity of people forced to migrate, despite inequities they face; humanitarian crises in Venezuela; democracies dismantled in Belarus, Venezuela, Haiti, and Kashmir; standing up to gender-based violence in Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the U.S.; and the aftermath of gun violence in U.S. schools. We've developed journalistically sound and artistically engaging practices to reveal the agency, resilience and gifts of people who have been marginalized. Through our innovative cross-disciplinary collaborations, workshops, and concerts, we open a path to healing via the arts.